Black Psychology Project Presents CIIS Workshop 3: Embodied Wellness
Thu, December 16, 2021
4:00 PM – 6:00 PM PST
Online event – Free Event
Topic: Adeeba Deterville’s Zoom Meeting
Time: Dec 16, 2021 04:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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Lanéay L. London is the chief executive officer of Serenity Village Developments, a 501-c3 organization dedicated to providing holistic health and housing education to individuals and families. Over 16 years, Ms. London has served as a public speaker and community leader. Laneay has worked with agencies such as Los Angeles County Sheriff’s deputies, the Stop Mass Incarnation Network, Department of Mental Health, and the Association of Black Psychologists. Ms. London made her first national radio station appearance on KJLH’s Front Page with Dominique DiPrima in 2018 to discuss the integration of bioenergetics into mental health practices. She has received accolades on her speaking from world-renowned motivational speaker Les Brown and invitations to the table with politicians to discuss solutions for the homeless. Currently, Ms. London serves as the Western Regional Representative for the Association of Black Psychologists where she will continue culturally centered psychological wellness education for people of African ancestry.

Damali Robertson joins the California Institute of Integral Studies as Assistant Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion after a 15-year career in progressive non-profit leadership. She brings an unshakable commitment to equity and justice along with rich lived experiences to her role at CIIS. From 2008-2011, Damali helped pioneer Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives at the Haas Center for Public Service (long before the uprisings of 2020 and long before many organizations were ready to invest in this critical work). More recently, she spent a year leading an in-depth racial equity project to address the achievement gap between Black students and their peers at a Bay Area high school. That project inspired her to become an even more vocal practitioner, advocate and thought leader in the DEI space and motivated her decision to pursue a MA in Social Justice and Organizing. Most recently, she co-led DEI initiatives at Root & Rebound while also leading their fundraising and communications efforts, creating campaigns about the systemic injustices and disparities built into America’s criminal legal system. Damali grounds her work in antiracist and anti-oppression praxis. She is also a restorative justice and mindfulness practitioner who approaches everything with a restorative impulse, integrity, lots of deep breaths and compassion. Damali lives in Oakland, CA and loves travel, spicy food, Reggae and Hip-Hop music.