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Why Beyonce, A Brilliant Mama, Needed to Pour Lemonade and So Do You

Leadership Training Co. Helping Moms Develop Their Child, Career & Community Impact

We’ve all read about the implicationsLemonade has for black women, but on a personal note, I believe it freed Beyonce from having to fit into the fantasy of what everyone thinks she is: superwoman.

This body of work allowed her to integrate the full scheme of who she is:

Bad Chick












The complexity of who we are as humans is ignored and resisted by media through the scripting of personas. Oftentimes, high-achieving women, specifically moms, are not given room to be anything less than amazing. If you have an off day, people are far less forgiving than they are if someone else had done it.

As a society we are quick to label moms “bad.”

When they show up too sexy or too career-driven, someone seems to have something to say. So what do you do? You hide aspects of yourself. You put on a mask, hoping that no one will ever see your inner self.

You bury these aspects of yourself, ultimately becoming a “pretender blender”, as one of my mentors would say.

You conceal your darkness, hoping no one sees it.

What’s dangerous about this is that the loneliness lurks at the bottom of your soul.

No one talks about this because it seems far too messy to deal with darkness.

Instead, you’ll keep playing the game by disowning aspects of yourself. You hide using the “right words”, or dressing the right way, and even worse, you purchase the car or house not to make you happy, but to prove to others that you’re the best at playing the game.

You’re pursuing a life that looks good, but it doesn’t actually feel good. When you do this you lose 20 years of your life running from parts you wish to disassociate with (mistakes and perceived character flaws).

When Bey poured her lemonade it set her free.


Lemonade is the healing elixir all of our souls crave.

It’s the fundamental acknowledgement of your complex identity.

It allows you to deal with the parts of yourself you dislike by integrating it.

In the Bible, Adam and Eve hid from God.

That is exactly what we do when we don’t embrace the totality of ourselves. We run, we hide, only to separate ourselves internally from who we really are, causing us to miss out on a rich relationship with ourselves and God.

When we don’t deal with our darkness, like Adam and Eve, we cover it up, hoping no one ever sees our flaws.

So, yes! Bey poured her lemonade.

She freed herself from having to show up to the world’s standards.

She is now fully expressed.

It’s time to pour your lemonade.

As a bold, unapologetic Brilliant Mama, it’s time to retrieve your soul's purpose. Not the one you think you know. The one that has yet to reveal itself. When you acknowledge and drink your lemonade, you have a sense of self-realization and get to recollect who you are and who you’re meant to be.

This means it’s time to deal with your $H*T.

Embrace aspects of yourself you deem less than.

I’m talking about aspects of yourself that you’ve shut down.

Stop carrying unresolved

  • Heartache

  • Resentment

  • Blame

It’s time to go higher

And, stop hiding from yourself.

This is your pathway of awakening to living the life of your highest desires.

As a mom, It’s okay to put yourself FIRST.

Mrs. Queenie Johnson, Celebrity Family Education Consultant, Mission Maverick and the brains behind and Founder of Mama Be Brilliant believes that by helping mompreneurs unfold their brilliance, their children will have an impeccable model for what's possible in their futures. Queenie’s list of clients include the children of Stevie Wonder, Charlie Sheen and Denise Richardson, Cedric, Tisha Campbell-Martin, Omar Epps, Laura Govan and Gilbert Arenas, and Brandy Norwood. Find Queenie at

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