After I Read This, I Started to Make My Bed Very Willingly Every Morning

It’s true! Making your bed every morning improves your life! I used to be one of those busy people that didn’t take time to make my bed. I was scattered in every direction. Every second of every day seemed to be a big deal. I was stressed! Here are five ways that making your bed every morning improves your life.
1. It gives you a feeling of accomplishment.
It might seem too small to matter, but starting your day by making your bed gives you a sense of accomplishment. This gives you an instant feeling of success and the feeling that you are on top of things. You feel organized and ready to take on the day. This two minutes of work sets the tone for the rest of the day. It may be small but it’s mighty! Definitely worth your time.
2. It creates a positive state of mind as you go to bed.
We’ve all been there. You’ve had a stressful day and all you can think about is getting to bed. You hope you can get to sleep. You get to your room and it’s just how you left it, a mess! The bed isn’t made and there are clothes everywhere. This just drops your mental state even lower as you climb into your messy bed.
Do you recall how you feel when you stay at a hotel? You enter the room and it’s tidy. Right away your mood elevates and you look forward to climbing into the crisply made bed. You can create this mood and setting at home everyday!
It literally takes two minutes to make your bed. Even if you just make your bed and do nothing else, it makes the whole room look so much better instantly. Two minutes every morning rewards you with elevated state of mind every night!
3. Make your bed, lower your stress.
By making your bed, you are starting to declutter your space. A decluttered space lowers your level of stress. You don’t waste mental energy. Clutter is a constant reminder of how scattered and unorganized you are being. It drags your down. A tidy space is very calming. Who doesn’t want some calm in the midst of our chaos? You can create your own calming sanctuary at home. You are in control of your own space and how it looks and therefore, how it makes you feel. Why not start with your daily bed making?
4. It prevents embarrassment.
I’m sure it’s happened to all of us at some point: you leave the house in a flurry, you get home, and you have an unexpected visitor! You socialize for a little while and then they ask to use the washroom, which happens to be past your bedroom. Oh, no! Now, sure, you say you don’t care, but I bet there is something inside that just nags with a bit of embarrassment. On the other hand, if you had spent just a couple of minutes in the morning making your bed, the whole room would appear tidier as the bed is the center of attention!
5. It leads to other good habits.
Once you get in the habit of making your bed, you’ll crave a little more organization because you appreciate how it makes you feel. One day you’ll take a moment to look around your room and decide that it really wouldn’t take much more time to pick up a few clothes. You’ll spend about a minute putting away a few items and be wowed! That didn’t take much time at all! We’re only up to three minutes!
This feeling is so addictive it will spill into the other rooms of the house. Before you know it, you won’t go to bed before the kitchen is clean!
I subscribe to a very cool YouTube channel called Clean My Space, where I get so many amazing tips and motivation. Here is the bed making episode.
It’s hard to believe that cleaning videos can be fun to watch but these are really well done and you’ll be amazed at many of the nifty tricks!
Go make your bed and feel amazing!